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5 ways to take time for yourself even with a hectic schedule.

Do you tend to get overwhelmed with everything going on in your life?

1. Express your needs It’s no one else’s job to guess what you need. So, if you’re in need of free time alone for your mental health, it’s important to express that.

2. Question your guilt Do you feel guilty about taking time for yourself? If so, explore that guilt. Questioning yourself about your guilt is a key part of performing inner work. 

3. Implement an exercise routine Find a form of physical exercise that you enjoy. An exercise routine can greatly improve your physical health and well-being.

4. Make a date with yourself A date doesn’t have to be with other people. Make a point to mark a date with yourself in your calendar, just like you would if you had a date with a loved one.

5. Find ways to be alone together with loved ones It’s possible to spend time together with your loved ones, but on your own. In this way, everyone can be alone but still feel surrounded by those they love.

Learn how to take time for yourself and put yourself back on your list of priorities If you’re used to putting everyone else first, it can be difficult to take time for yourself in the beginning. As you practice this skill, it’ll become more and more comfortable for you.